01. Dave - Dave's not here! (Note: Not the complete original version.)
02. Earache My Eye - Featuring Alice Bowie. (Note: Does not include parent-child dialog.)
03. Let's Make A Dope Deal - Bob, what is your name?
04. Basketball Jones - Featuring Tyrone Shoelaces
05. Blind Melon Chitlin' - Blues singer records album.
06. Sister Mary Elephant - Teacher asks what you did on your summer vacation.
07. Sargent Stadanko - Narcotics officer speaks to class. This stuff can give you brain damage.
08. Dave Continued
09. Cruisin' With Pedro De Pacas
10. Continuing Adventures Of Pedro De Pacas And Man, The - The beginning of Up In Smoke was based on this original bit. Pedro and Man cruise in car together. Man swallows stash because they think they're being pulled over.
11. Pedro And The Man At The Drive-In - Friends get stuck in trunk after being smuggled into drive-in.
12. Trippin' In Court - In the first case, Leslie Whorewinkle pleads insanity to having sex with an underage girl. The second is State vs Stoner. Stoner is so stoned that he can't keep his story straight.
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