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** Re-mastered, Re-released...Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal **

This is what you've all been waiting for. Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com signed an agreement with Warner Music Group to re-release two long lost Cheech and Chong albums, Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal.

Let's Make A New Dope Deal has been out-of-print since the mid-80s and has never been released on Compact Disc til now. Sleeping Beauty made a brief appearance on CD in the early 90s.

We've remastered both CDs and they're only available on this site.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Cheech & Chong on WWE RAW=Pathetic

I'm a huge Cheech & Chong fan, but their appearance on WWE RAW was pathetic.  No one under 40 cares about them and the stupid stoner cereal-eating bit was stupid.  It makes you embarrassed to be a Cheech & Chong fan.

Here are some random clips with Cheech wearing a ridiculously fake moustache.

This was career suicide.

And watch this.


  • I liked the pillow fight and at least Chong was wearing his free Marc T-Shirt but yeah what's with the fake moustache and going on a dorky program like that man?

    By Blogger BASSOMATIC, at Wed Mar 03, 05:52:00 PM PST  

  • The cereal bit was really lame and so was getting Cheech to wear a fake mustache. I wish they could have done the Bruno Hockaloogie & Itchy Scratchy bit...they seemed like they had no control over the skits they did. I was disappointed BIG TIME!

    By Blogger Marcome, at Wed Mar 03, 07:19:00 PM PST  

  • I thought it was cool. I'm under 30, a huge cheech & chong fan and a huge WWE fan. They were by far the best guest hosts they've had. They couldn't do anything too edgy 'cos WWE is PG nowadays but was still funny. Tommy trying to smoke the mic was great.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Mar 04, 01:49:00 AM PST  

  • I liked it, but then again I like WWE----I'm surprised they were allowed to do the things they did in todays WWE.....I don't know what you were probably don't watch RAW

    ps, I'm way under 40

    By Anonymous 4twenty, at Wed Mar 10, 08:17:00 PM PST  

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