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** Re-mastered, Re-released...Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal **

This is what you've all been waiting for. Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com signed an agreement with Warner Music Group to re-release two long lost Cheech and Chong albums, Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal.

Let's Make A New Dope Deal has been out-of-print since the mid-80s and has never been released on Compact Disc til now. Sleeping Beauty made a brief appearance on CD in the early 90s.

We've remastered both CDs and they're only available on this site.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Updated: Thanks for all your Support

I wanted to thank everyone for their support.  I've received thousands of emails from disgusted fans, reacting to the video I posted this morning.  Many had their own personal stories to share.

Read the comments on youtube.  They are very interesting.

By the way, one of the comments was left by ToughJewdotcom. ToughJewdotcom is Matthew Sugarman of….He's one of Cheech and Chong's many attorneys.  I found out who owned by going to, clicking on "whois," entering ""  It's right there in black and white.

His comment is:
"You've only heard Ryan's side of the story not Ceech and Tommy's. Please keep that in mind. I know for a fact that Ryan was offered a very generous deal for the purchase of the website, but turned it down. ONLY when Ryan turned down the offer (that was reached after MONTHS of negotitations) did Cheech and Tommy file the case to have the domain name taken away from Ryan.

This could have worked out much much better for Ryan had he not been so greedy."

Yeah, he "knows for a fact" because he's one of the orchestraters. There was nothing generous at all about any of the proposals.  You can read all the udrp legal docs if you want. I'm all about freedom of information.

**Update: Their attorney, Matt Sugarman aka youtube's ToughJewdotcom, deleted his comment and account. He posted his comment under his new screen name, davesnothereman22.


  • Ryan you're a dipshit

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Dec 03, 03:42:00 PM PST  

  • I know Matt Sugarman personally and Ryan let me just tell you that you wish that half the man that he is. He's a man who worked his way through college and law school to become a successful lawyer and create a life for himself. The difference between you and him is that he doesn't build a life based on someone else's success or cry like a little bitch when he looses... like you did. You liitle bitch

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thu Dec 03, 03:47:00 PM PST  

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