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** Re-mastered, Re-released...Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal **

This is what you've all been waiting for. Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com signed an agreement with Warner Music Group to re-release two long lost Cheech and Chong albums, Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal.

Let's Make A New Dope Deal has been out-of-print since the mid-80s and has never been released on Compact Disc til now. Sleeping Beauty made a brief appearance on CD in the early 90s.

We've remastered both CDs and they're only available on this site.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Why Won't Mary Beth Leave Already?

Typically, when a new President is elected, the nation's federal prosecutors resign. However, U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan says she won't resign.

This is the same Mary Beth Buchanan that wrongfully sent Tommy Chong to prison for nine months for conspiracy to send bongs in the mail.

This is the same Mary Beth Buchanan that raided Spectrum Labs and confiscated a/k/a Tommy Chong DVDs.

This is the same Mary Beth Buchanan that prosecuted the makers of the Whizzinator.

We're stuck with her!

Read Here


  • FUCK Mary Beth Pukcannon and her merry little buddy Adolph AssCroft I hope she or someone she knows gets a mean ass vile infection with no cure and it eats her flesh down to her fucking cold ass heart! Thew Frost bitten BITCH

    By Anonymous Bobby, at Fri Dec 05, 09:48:00 AM PST  

  • God damn! Watch, I guarantee you she'll go at it again, only this time throw both Cheech AND Chong in the joint.

    By Anonymous Our Staff:, at Fri Dec 05, 11:49:00 AM PST  

  • Bout that time we'd not (Weed) need to have a huge million stoner march on Washington regarding her conflict of interest putting Tommy and Cheech at the front of her agenda before the real crimes that are perpetrated here such as the Haliburton things or the coruption between banks and Real Estate agents whom bank rupted this Nation. Im sure her state has a few of them as well and She's one of them.

    By Anonymous Bobby, at Fri Dec 05, 03:27:00 PM PST  

  • Mary Beth LooseCannon

    By Anonymous and relayed by the weedmaster, at Sat Dec 06, 02:05:00 PM PST  

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