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** Re-mastered, Re-released...Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal **

This is what you've all been waiting for. Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com signed an agreement with Warner Music Group to re-release two long lost Cheech and Chong albums, Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal.

Let's Make A New Dope Deal has been out-of-print since the mid-80s and has never been released on Compact Disc til now. Sleeping Beauty made a brief appearance on CD in the early 90s.

We've remastered both CDs and they're only available on this site.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Tommy Chong had a live video chat last night and posted videos on his brand new LiveVideo channel.

Tommy and Shelby talk about Tommy's 70th birthday party. A lot of people ate the "brownies."

Shelby revealed that Cheech and his girlfriend, Natasha, attended his party. She accidentally revealed that Cheech and Tommy will be going on tour, doing stand-up together. They will be doing their greatest hits. Shelby will be the opening act.

The tour starts in September. Tommy's new book, Cheech & Chong: The Unauthorized Biography, comes out in August. Tommy's also working an animation project with Lou Adler's (director of Up in Smoke and their albums) animation company.

They also plan on doing a new movie.

More details to come.


  • SWEET!!!! This is fantastic!!! I hope that it happens and not just saying it will and then the usual b.s. of them working together like when they tried to do the movie thing..Best of luck guys!!

    By Anonymous mooky, at Thu Jun 05, 07:35:00 AM PDT  

  • And the band plays on!

    By Anonymous Bobby, at Fri Jun 06, 08:39:00 AM PDT  

  • Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I hope it all works out! When you say this stuff to a Cheech & Chong fan, you're messing with their emotions! lol

    Tommy and Shelby: YOU RULE!!

    By Anonymous Malicious Matt, at Fri Jun 06, 08:26:00 PM PDT  

  • That's GREAT , if you guys do start touring please try to come to Merrilville, IN

    By Anonymous Boo_Lee, at Fri Jun 06, 08:39:00 PM PDT  

  • Bob Marley died because of melanoma, a cancer which is curable. He refused medical treatment for religious convictions, and died shortly thereafter when the melanoma spread in a process called metastasis, infecting other organs of his body.

    By Anonymous Herb, at Fri Jun 06, 10:36:00 PM PDT  

  • Yeah, but Marley's cancer started in his toe with an infection from a soccer injury.

    By Anonymous Malicious Matt, at Sat Jun 07, 12:23:00 PM PDT  

  • I loved Cheech & Chong and back in
    the early 70's I've seen them twice
    live. I had just about everything
    they did. Seen their Movies but to
    get back together NOW.. at their
    age and do all that old Drug stuff
    I don't think that will work. Don't
    get me wrong. but I think they will
    'BOMB' I say don't do it. Too many
    changes have happened sense then.

    By Anonymous Bob Andrade, at Wed Jul 30, 09:13:00 AM PDT  

  • I'm going next Friday!!!

    By Anonymous Rev Sully, at Thu Dec 04, 08:01:00 PM PST  

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