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** Re-mastered, Re-released...Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal **

This is what you've all been waiting for. Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com signed an agreement with Warner Music Group to re-release two long lost Cheech and Chong albums, Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal.

Let's Make A New Dope Deal has been out-of-print since the mid-80s and has never been released on Compact Disc til now. Sleeping Beauty made a brief appearance on CD in the early 90s.

We've remastered both CDs and they're only available on this site.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Additional information:
  • There was a history of congestive heart failure in Buddy's family. His sister and mom both died from it.
  • Buddy was cremated. There was no funeral.
  • The day before Buddy died, he heard Eric Clapton playing Them Changes at Madison Square Garden through his cell phone. Them Changes is now part of Clapton's set on tour as tribute to Buddy.

Legendary musician, Buddy Miles, 60, passed away Tuesday of heart failure. Buddy co-founded and played drums in Band Of Gypsys with Jimi Hendrix. He also played on a couple Cheech and Chong songs including the Big Green Van theme.

He was a huge Cheech and Chong fan and a huge fan of this site.

Buddy recorded the California Raisins commercial featuring claymation dancing raisins. It's the most successful commercial in television history! Buddy recorded and produced and performed in 3 more California Raisins albums.

Buddy produced and performed in a series of commercials for Caribbean Kiss, Cadillac and Harley Davidson just to name a few.

Buddy collaborated with Brett Alexander on his Cheeb and Bong albums.

“Them Changes” was performed Monday and Tuesday at Madison Square Garden by Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood. They are expected to play the song again tonight with a special dedication to their old friend.

A memorial concert will take place March 30 at Threadgill’s on Riverside Drive.

In 2007, Buddy played a few dates on the West coast with assistance from his friend, Brett Alexander, before having to cancel the remaining dates because of heart problems.

For the past few months, his health continued to deteriorate at his Austin, Texas home. His heart was working at 15%. According to friends, "he had turned off his defibrillator and was ready for heaven."

In 1995, Seconds magazine asked how he would like to be remembered. Miles said: "The baddest of the bad. People say I'm the baddest drummer. If that's true, thank you world."

He was a really nice guy and will sorely be missed.

Buddy christening Tommy Chong signature guitar, designed by Brett.

Buddy working a new version of the Green Van theme on his new drum kit.

Buddy at BB King New York, 2007.

Buddy Miles Official Homepage
Buddy Miles' Myspace Page
Purchase Brett's Cheeb and Bong's CDs

Performance of Them Changes from Playboy After Dark.


  • RIP Buddy ... I thought I would get to meet you before you checked out. Fly with Jimi and I will see you soon!
    Many Blessings to your family and would you please be my guardian angel!

    PEACE Russ

    By Anonymous TrailerParkRuss, at Thu Feb 28, 08:25:00 AM PST  

  • From all of us here at the Hendrix Camp studios in Seattle.. we had tour and gigs with Buddy. He remains our dear friend. Props to Brett on the guitar love and Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong for keepin the music friends close where it all counts. In the heart forever. We will sail on with your spirit guiding us on evermore till we reach that mutual shore.

    You were so good to us brother Budd'-

    stefen isaac

    www myspace com/jypsyeye
    www myspace com/leonhendrixband

    By Anonymous JYPSYEYE, at Tue Mar 25, 02:00:00 AM PDT  

  • Well, Budwick, we had our time together in Houston and the City. I just found out about your passing. When I see you again, and I'm sure I will, I want the other eleven roses you promised. I remember making your Mama laugh when you gave her the same scowl you would give me. "Oh," I said, "does he do that to you also!?" Our commiseration of your fandom was obvious. When she cautioned us to "fasten our seat belts," how was she to know? Later Baby, Sweet Melissa

    By Anonymous Beepath Skyclad Loneflight, at Thu Nov 13, 11:39:00 PM PST  

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