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** Re-mastered, Re-released...Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal **

This is what you've all been waiting for. Cheech and Chong Fans Dot Com signed an agreement with Warner Music Group to re-release two long lost Cheech and Chong albums, Sleeping Beauty and Let's Make A New Dope Deal.

Let's Make A New Dope Deal has been out-of-print since the mid-80s and has never been released on Compact Disc til now. Sleeping Beauty made a brief appearance on CD in the early 90s.

We've remastered both CDs and they're only available on this site.

Monday, May 01, 2006

a/k/a Tommy Chong, High Times Nominee

The First Annual World Marijuana Film Festival - home of the coveted WMMF Awards - will be held on May 28 through June 3, 2006 in beautiful Ibiza, Spain, the Party Capital of the Western World! The event is purposely scheduled to follow the Cannes Film Festival (May 17 through 28). This will be the after-party for Cannes, says High Times editor-in-chief and Festival organizer Steve Hager. And believe me, we know how to throw a party!

Marijuana has long had a supporting and sometimes a starring role in some of the best films ever made. The 2006 WMFF Awards will honor this trend and recognize the finest achievements in current cannabis-themed cinema. The award categories include Best Feature, Best Short, Best Cult Film and Best Documentary.

The Festival's top award the Golden Leaf will be reserved for that film which most successfully celebrates marijuana and the culture it represents.
Following is a partial list of the 2006 WMFF Award nominees:

Best Documentary:
A/k/a Tommy ChongProduced & directed by Josh Gilbert
Timothy Leary LivesProduced & directed by Danny Schecter
The King of Cannabis IIIProduced by Arjan Rostrum; directed by Kenya Winchell
Dr. Jah Goes To AmsterdamProduced by Dave Geoghegan; directed by Steven Hager
Mundo CannabicoProduced & directed by Julio Zenil


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